Friday, August 31, 2012

there really is life after death

This video is about whether there really is life after death. Some scientists believe that there is a part of a person that lives on after the physical death of the body. There have been many studies that support that there may be life after death and that cells do live on in one form or another. For example, Psychic mediums claim to have contact with the spirit of a "dead" person. The Psychic medium supposedly goes into a trance and then is when the spirit of the "dead" person enters the Psychic medium's body and tell the spirit's loved ones things that only the loved ones or the spirit would know. It is sometimes believed that maybe the medium could be reading the minds of the loved ones through telepathy and that is how they know so much about the spirits of the deceased. Either way it may never really be known if there is life after die until after a person dies.

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